The meeting took place between the 2nd to 6th of May 2022, and focused on:
- Goal 6 (Ensure access to water and sanitation for all)
- Goal 7 (Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy)
- Goal 11 (Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable)
- Goal 12 (Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns)
Pictures of the meeting: link.
Programme: link.
A video of the week:
Our groups met at last, following the various postponements and cancellations brought about by Covid and after having exchanged for a few months on the eTwinning forum.
This page constitutes the meeting's log. The videos are provided by Enrique, photographs by Erik, notes and additional photographs by Frederic and Richard.
May 2nd
The morning kicked off at nine in a room within the church in front of the school; the school has a partnership with the Catholic / Lutherian school that allows for a meeting room to receive groups. Marius gave a presentation of the community building to the partners.
Ice-breakers were organised, with students choosing a fellow participant to have a chin-wag around various subjects such as their hometown, the details of their trip, their language skills etc.
This was followed by a presentation exercise, ''inside and circle'', for a longer talk with a free subject, an activity deemed very positive and that had the students rely on their language skills to communicate.
The students' expectancies regarding the topic of sustainable development were written down and provided ground for exchanges in front of the group.
In the afternoon, further activities over lunch with students evoking the question of sustainable development in their home cities.
In the afternoon, groups were set up with the Waste Challenge: going shopping to choose the best products to be in accord with sustainable development (the cheapest, less likely to generate waste, short distribution circuits).
The shopping activity was unanimously enjoyed by the group and the hands-on approach proved to be remarkably profitable.
An assessment with ranking of the most savvy shoppers concluded the activity.
Everyone mingled nicely and dinner in a typical German restaurant provided yet an opportunity to get to know one another.
May 3rd
The groups met at nine and were instructed by Marius on how how to use the Ipads they were being issued to carry out the activities that consisted in a quiz prepared on Kahoot. This quiz was compiled using the information provided by the different towns on the theme of sustainable development. The students were able to answer first-hand using the Ipads with results appearing in real time.
A collective appraisal of the activity was then carried out on completion so as to discuss how to make our schools or cities more sustainable, to which the students provided answers in English : improving waste collection, buying less etc.
The students then joined the school canteen where they were set up in international groups and assigned the task of preparing lunch using the items that had been bought in the responsible shopping activity organised the previous day.
Following lunch, awards were handed out to the most efficient groups in their management of the tasks laid out. The winning group will be awarded a tour on the city of Hanover’s Ferris Wheel later in the week.
The afternoon was devoted to a treasure hunt with information about the city to be found.
The activities ended around 5 o’clock and the groups ended their busy day with a collective lunch at the youth hostel.
May 4th
Meeting at 9 in the assembly hall and presentation of the fair trade chocolate production programme by a specialized organization in that domain. The students were presented the characteristics of the rain forest that shelters the cocoa trees and the fundamental role it plays in our planet’s global eco-system, with a focus on Colombia and its chocolate industry.
The aim was to present a virtuous economy that provides a solution to sustaining jobs with a decent revenue and develop fair circuits of distribution.
The students were then introduced to various hands-on activities that sensitized them to making chocolate with cocoa, sugar and coconut oil.
The students were taught to identify the various markers vetting fair trade, including decent wages for workers, child labor protection, decent working conditions etc.
The afternoon was devoted to the question of sustainable goals with an activity led by the Macedonian team around a Kahoot quiz that led the students to reflect on the various ways those goals could be enforced in a more efficient manner.
They were then invited to building their own models of birdhouses by using recycled elements (cardboard boxes and other products).
The afternoon, after resting at the youth hostel was concluded by a collective jogging session around Hanover’s lake.
In the evening, the groups gathered once more for a festive evening at Hanover’s fun fair.
May 5th
The day kicked off early as the youth hostel's alarm set off at 6 am, Fortunately it was just a false alarm.
The students gathered at eight for a physics session to show students how to build a solar lamp.
Meanwhile, the teachers held a meeting to discuss the project and consider improvements and the next steps to be taken in its completion. The question of whether to keep the same students over the next meetings remains an open choice for participants; Macedonia, France and Spain are considering changing their groups while the German team is still examining the question. The inscription of the students on etwinning and the work carried out collectively is to be prioritized.
The students will work ahead of the meetings on the forums; it may prove to be at times difficult in terms of conflicting timetables but the collective effort must come first. A set of webconferences needs to be set up before the meeting in Hyères in October.
Dates were setup for Spain from February 6th to the 10th in San Javier and for Macedonia from May 8th to the 12th.
In the afternoon, Forum 2 activity was presented by four students in the form of a Trivial game on green energy, followed by the French activity around vocabulary activities and a musical blindtest to compile a glossary that will prove useful in the visit of Hyères with a focus on wetlands and the sea coast.
The afternoon's work session ended with a ceremony at the town hall were the students were delivered their attendance certificates.
May 6th
The group met at nine on Friday morning in front of the hotel for a waste-picking operation on the banks of the river that runs next to it.
The waste was collected by the students and placed in each designed container according to its colour code and the students were able to see first-hand how Germany is pursuing a dedicated and diversified policy of recycling waste.
Our host for this activity was employed by the city of Hanover to conduct awareness campaigns and sensitize people to the collecting of waste and notably micro-plastic particles.
Thanks to microscopes that were handed to them, the students saw by themselves that the river water carries a considerable amount of these particles in spite of what may appear at first sight as clean water. These intrusive plastic particles interfere in a harmful way with the local fauna and flora and are weighing in on the life of humans.
A great amount of waste was collected including glass, cardboard, wrappers and plastic elements.
Lunch was taken in a restaurant in the town centre with all the teachers partaking in the project attending and some free time was granted for a tour of the city centre while some headed for the town's gardens
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